Quiet exams of “Human Rights” today at Suez Canal University
Quiet exams within the committees of the Faculty of Physical Education and the Egyptian Chinese College Suez Canal University Under the patronage of Prof. Dr.

Creation and operation of the Community of Innovation Technology at Suez Canal University
prof. Tarek Rashed Rahmi, President of Suez Canal University, welcomed officials from the Armed Forces Engineering Corps and the Information Technology Industry Development Authority The

Prof. Hassan Rajab Dean of Al-Alsun Faculty at Suez Canal University
President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi issued a decree appointing Professor Hassan Rajab as Dean of Al-Alsun University, at Suez Canal University

Call for nominations for 2019-2020 UNESCO-Hamdan Prize now open
Call for nominations for 2019-2020 UNESCO-Hamdan Prize now open Suez Canal University announces for the sixth edition of the UNESCO-Hamdan bin Rashid Al-Maktoum Prize for

The President of Suez Canal University is following the exams inside the colleges
Prof.Dr. Tarek Rashid Rhami, President of Suez Canal University, held an inspection tour inside the examination committees in the faculties of education, literature and humanities,

At the Canal University personal interviews of candidates for the exchange of students with the Bulgarian Academy of Ticinoff
The Student Union of Suez Canal University under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Tarek Rashid Rahmi, President of the University organized the personal interviews of