جامعة قناة السويس تعلن عن فتح باب الترشح لوظيفة عميد كلية التجارة
تعلن جامعة قناة السويس عن فتح باب الترشح لوظيفة عميد كلية التجارة طبقا للقرار الوزاري رقم(5241) بتاريخ 20/6/2016 بشأن تشكيل اللجنة المختصة بترشيح السادة عمداء الكليات

Suez Canal University announces for the opening of the candidacy for the post of Dean of the Faculty of Commerce
Suez Canal University announces for the opening of the candidacy for the post of dean of the Faculty of Commerce in accordance with Ministerial Decision

Suez Canal University announces the opening of the candidacy for the post of Dean of Al Alsun College
Suez Canal University announces the opening of the candidacy for the post of Dean of the College of Al Alsun in accordance with the Ministerial

Suez Canal University announces the opening of the candidacy for the post of Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education
Suez Canal University announces the opening of the candidacy for the post of Dean of the Faculty of Literature and Virtue. / / Atef Abu

Announcement of holding training courses at the Institute of Biotechnology
Under the patronage of Prof. Atef Abu Al-Nour, President of the University and Prof. Magda Hajras, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research, the Training

Opening of the Fulbright Program (Vocational Education Program) for the technical staff of the university for the academic year 2019-2020
Under the patronage of Prof.. Atef Abu El-Nour, President of Suez Canal University, and under the supervision of Prof. Magda Hagras, Vice President for Postgraduate