Under the auspices of prof ./ Mamdouh Mustafa Ghorab – Suez Canal University president and Prof. / Nahed Mustafa – Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research under the supervision of Prof. Dr. / Ahmed El Sakka – director of t Technological and Marketing Innovation TICO at Suez Canal University. Technological innovation and marketing office at Suez Canal University TICO – SCU organized workshop on scientific research is responsible under the title ” How to avoid the scientific Stealing ”
Prof. Ahmed El Sakka, director of technological innovation offices said that the workshop include the definition of distortion and transport in scientific research and common mistakes in scientific research and workshop discuss foundations of scientific writing out the so-called scientific research is responsible for the development of scientific research system in Egypt
And lectured in the workshop
Prof .Alastair Hay
Professor of Enviromental toxicology
Leeds University.UK
And former Editor in “Nature” journal