Under the auspices of Dr. Ismail Haniyeh
Palestinian Prime Minister and Dr. Sultan El-Araby General Secretary
of Arab universities Union the Suez Canal University took part in First
International Conference of Deans of Graduate Studies and Scientific
Research which was held at the University of Al-Aqsa in Palestine from
to 27 last January
Dr. Kamal Mohammed Abdul Qader head of physics department has
represented the university at the
conference where he made research about scientific cooperation between
Canal University and those in the Arab world which confirmed through the
importance of establishing research centers takes into consideration
the latest technological
developments in the field of scientific
research and is working on receiving
researchers coordinate between them and the exchange of experiences to
enhance the joint Arab action in
The academic field and explained that the Arab and foreigners scholars
came to Gaza in great scientific demonstration and contributed
greatly to break the siege which
is achieved through the exchange of
information studies and human cadres
capable in the field
of scientific research under the
umbrella of the Arab Federation for
Universities and referred to the
search which delivered at the
conference addressed important
points concerning the middle site and the important
of Suez Canal University and its
proximity to Asia and Africa
giving this site of great importance
within the Arab framework especially in the areas of heritage
civilization humanities and marine science emphasized
that in the
case of use of these
research centers we can build on
it an integrated plan benefit researchers in the Arab world.
Dr. Kamal Abdul Qader
apply organize a second conference
next year at the Suez Canal
University Spacious and the Secretary-General expressed his approval and
announced that
next January as the date of the second conference at Suez Canal
Participated in the conference more
than fifty participants from universities heads of Sudan
Lebanon and the deans of scientific
research in Egypt Jordan Iraq
and in addition to
Palestine the organization state.
For more information about the conference click here