Community Service and Environmental Development Center, Faculty of Nursing, Suez Canal University, organized a symposium on the science of criminal insects – insects as a tool to achieve justice) under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mamdouh Mustafa Ghorab University president Prof. Dr. Atef Abu Noor, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development and the supervision of Prof. Dr. Wafaa Abdel Azim Husseini, Dean of faculty.. symposium lectured by Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Farag Mahmoud professor of insect Faculty of Agriculture and vice dean of Nursing faculty for community service and environmental development, and included an explanation of entomology criminal and said that it is important science in our lives because it effectively contributes to crime detection, and their presence at the scene of the body or the crime the date of death can be determined accurately even if it went on for a long period of time of death also facilitates a lot to know the reasons for death and could indicate the existence of cases of torture, rape and this is a major development in this science. For her part, Professor Dr. Wafa Abdel Azim faculty Dean confirmed that the college is keen to hold such courses which contribute to refine and build knowledge and skills of the student