After sending the letter of Higher Education Minister for the
university presidents about the need to hold student elections during
the month of March Suez Canal University headed by Dr. Mohammed
Mohammadayn University president decided
to Conduct student elections at faculties of the university and the
election of the Union of the year for
students of the university until
the end of March said Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Abdul-Muhsin Vice-President
for education and students that the colleges prepared
to hold elections by committees of students form
Indicative schedule to
conduct the elections where the nominations
are open to all faculties and
leaves the choice free democracy for the students and stressing that
the university is far from imposing any student
given to students hence student is the one who chooses his
colleague who is represented in
student unions and vice president for education
and students ask all
students of the university to be
a measure of responsibility and to
take advantage of that opportunity
which the January revolution granted them
using the freedom in ways that project
up in Egypt to
democracy prosperity and announced that
the university will support
student unions strongly to exercise the student
all the activities through