As part of the efforts of the Office of Technological Innovation and Marketing (TAICO) at the Suez Canal University to join new members, the Office of Technological Innovation and Marketing (TAICO) at Suez Canal University announced the opening of the candidacy for faculty members and the supporting body.
The following is a brief presentation of the terms of reference of the units:
The Unit of Grants and International Cooperation: It is specialized in establishing a database of local and international institutions and bodies that support research projects. It also contributes to facilitating communication among researchers at the university with the various local and international agencies involved in project financing and assisting researchers in writing, presenting and follow-up project.
The Intellectual Property Rights Support Unit: It is responsible for spreading and developing awareness of intellectual property rights and related fields, adopting some patents and facilitating registration procedures, taking the work of the preliminary models and communicating the inventor to the beneficiaries.
Technology Transfer Unit: It is specialized in translating research results into services and products that benefit the community and deliver applied research to maturity, marketability and transfer of applicable technology between the university and the different institutions in Egypt and abroad.
Those wishing to nominate themselves for office membership from within or outside the university must:
Has the experience or desire to prepare, implement or supervise a research project
Have experience or desire to register for patents invented
With the experience or desire to participate in the field of intellectual property rights
The candidate must submit his CV with an application for membership to the TAICO office at the Education Development Center no later than one month from date.