The Institute of Biotechnology call for applying for training course entitled DNA Sequencing and Its Application, which will be held from 23-24 June 2019.
The course includes theoretical lectures and practical training on the following subjects:
* Overview of first and next-generation sequencing
* Species identification
* Sequencing chemistry
* Data manipulation
* Data analysis (BLAST- Multiple Sequence Alignment)
The course will be lectured by a distinguished group of researchers at the Institute and specialists in the field of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics who trained on the latest technologies at Life Technologies in Sweden
And the value of participation in the course of 1000 pounds, including attendance lectures and practical training, publications, break , and certificates attend the course.
There is also a special discount of 20% for students and groups
we hope that those who have the desire of registration to attend at the Institute or to communicate through the page or e-mail of the Institute.
* Address: Institute of Biotechnology for Graduate Studies and Research – Suez Canal University (New University) Ismailia – Library of the Faculty of Agriculture – the second floor
* Email: training_ibpr@yahoo.com
* Official Training Page: