Under the patronage of Prof.Atef Abou El Nour, President of Suez Canal University, Prof. Magda Hagras, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, and general supervision of Prof. Mohamed El Tabey, Dean of the Institute of Fish Farming, Prof. Sami Abdelmalek, Vice-Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Mervat Ali Mohammed, Vice-Dean for Community Service and Environment Development, opened an international training course entitled “Prevention and Treatment of Fish Diseases”. This is one of the fruits of cooperation between the Chinese side, represented by the Ministry of Investment of China and the Egyptian side represented by the Institute of Aquaculture As a fish science at Suez Canal University, which will last for two weeks from 13 to 26 March.
and attended the course Mr. Han Bin, Economic Adviser to the Chinese Minister of Commerce, Professor Zhu Gian, Head of the Scientific Research Bureau of the Freshwater Fisheries Research Center, Chinese Academy of Fisheries Science