Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Atef Abou El Nour, President of Suez Canal University and Prof. Dr. Magda Hagras, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research. Held on Sunday 24 February 2019 Meeting of the coordinators of postgraduate studies in different faculties
In order to discuss how to apply the basic postgraduate courses, which include three courses (research ethics – Statistics – Research Methods “and Prof. Dr. Magda Hagras, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research announced that these methods will be applied starting next September
Prof. Dr. Magda Hagras pointed to the need to pay attention to the fundamentals of scientific research represented in these decisions in order to raise the quality of scientific research and ensure the achievement of sound results to benefit from these results to meet the challenges in various fields.
The meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Yousef Wahib, Professor of Community Medicine, College of Medicine
Prof.Dr. Amani Wahid, Head of Community Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Prof.Dr. Fayez Samaida, Professor, Faculty of Science.