Dr. Mohammed Saleh, Director of Educational Development Center at Suez Canal University on Thursday, 11February, 2016 welcomed Central Auditing Agency delegation consisting of Dr. Omaima Ahmed al- Tayeb Central Auditing Agency delegation Agent and Dr. Hanan loving head of the technical office sector and Dr. Mohamed Bahgat, director of Training about deep appreciation of Suez Canal University and they came from Cairo to thanks Prof.Dr. Mamdouh Mustafa Ghorab University president and Prof. Dr. Nahed Mustafa, Vice President for Graduate Studies and research and the supervisor of the Center for the outstanding level of the training program which was organized at development center both with regard to training and scientific content submitted or training halls and support they received from the team place and that the program will be an introduction to a range of training needs are asking the canal University to organize training programs for members of the device which has session, which included the development of supervisory skills and team building was concluded on it to provide certificates to the trainees who have passed course.